WhatsApp now allows you to mute a conversation forever with the new ‘Always’ option in chat settings. WhatsApp had been testing this feature within the beta version and now it’s widely rolling out to the stable version. The developers took to Twitter and shared the event with a picture of an iPhone with this feature that now sits alongside the 8 hours and 1 week options. this may allow users to mute individual chats or group chats forever.
WhatsApp, through its Twitter account, shared that the users can now mute their chats forever. The mute chat settings now show ‘8 hours’, ‘1 week’, and ‘Always’ options. The ‘Always’ option replaces the ‘1 year’ option that was originally a part of the settings. you continue to get to decide on whether you would like WhatsApp to show notifications for that chat or not. This new feature is present on both iOS and Android devices, also as on WhatsApp web.
To mute a conversation forever, open the chat, tap on the menu option on the top right and choose Mute notifications. you’ll see the three options there with the last one being ‘Always’. Select it and press Ok. you’ll also select Show notifications if you would like to only see notifications without an alert. Once muted, you’ll will see the unmute notifications option within the chat settings rather than the Mute notifications option.
Earlier this month, the new ‘Always’ mute feature was spotted in WhatsApp beta version along side a couple of other features. It also brought a replacement Storage Usage UI for beta users, along side Media Guidelines feature that permits users to align stickers and text when editing images, videos and GIFs.
Furthermore, WhatsApp also will be adding in-app purchases and hosting services to enable businesses sell products through WhatsApp via Facebook Shops.
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